Bushboard Washroom Systems Ltd is one of the UK’s leading toilet cubicle and washroom system providers, delivering washroom system solutions across all market sectors.
The directors of Bushboard recognise the social and economic importance of protecting the environment and are committed to minimising potentially harmful effects of their activities, products or services on it.
The organisation will comply with the requirements of BS EN ISO14001:2004, with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which we subscribe, which relate to our environmental aspects.
More specifically, where it is within the organisation’s control or influence, in support of this stated commitment, we undertake to:-
- Develop management processes and operational procedures that prevent pollution.
Through audits, management reviews and other means:
- Implement and maintain a continual improvement process
- Set, monitor & review key objectives and targets for managing our environmental performance at least annually.
- Regularly review our environmental policy
Jon Sherry
Managing Director