Sydenham High School chose Bushboard for school washrooms
The school was founded in 1872 by four pioneering women, Mrs Maria Grey, her sister Miss Emily Shirreff, Lady Stanley of Alderley and Miss Mary Gurney. They believed that girls should be entitled to the same academic education as their brothers. This was a revolution for the time and inspired girls near and far.
One of the founders, Maria Grey, went on to be a campaigner for votes for women. And a number of GDST girls grew up to be active in the Suffragist and Suffragette movements.
Bushboard were highly privileged to carry out this renovation of the school washrooms and the response has been fantastic. Bushboard’s Paraline range in SGL was chosen due to the high use nature of the school washrooms.
The staff chose a sleek and simple design with doors in Stone White and partitions in Welsh Slate. The Ezeeduct panelling was also chosen in SGL with the understated Welsh Slate. Feedback from the staff and children say the school washrooms have given the school a whole new lease of life.
View products:
Paraline toilet cubicles
Ezeeduct panels
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