Take a look at Bushboard Washrooms’ real wood veneers selection. From the classic European Oak and American Black Walnut to the exotic Ebony and Rosewood, we have real wood veneers to suit every washroom and every budget.

Our real wood veneers are created using advanced techniques which achieve incredible consistency of colour and grain. Our veneers are produced from only eco-responsible and sustainable forests.

Exclusively available for Paraline, Aero and Manhattan toilet cubicle ranges, our veneers elevate your washroom to the next level.

Take a look for yourselves from our specially selected range.

Real wood ALPI veneers are engineered to deliver improved consistency.

Try out our veneers on our Washroom Design Tool and see photo-realistic imagery of our toilet cubicles in your chosen colours.


Get in Touch

At Bushboard Washrooms we offer a wide range of materials for all sectors and budget. If your require more information or guidance then speak to our team who can advise on the most suitable materials for your next washroom project.

Telephone: 01536 533620

Email: [email protected]

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